challenge, meme, Senza categoria

The ABC Book Challenge (G)

Hello! How’s everyone doing?

The challenge is to post some books that I loved and some books that are still on my TBR (please TBR, don’t hurt me), corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.

Personally, I found this challenge on A Book. A Thought. Go and check this great blog!

Please remember that maybe some books will be in Italian. I will write the English title too.

Previous Post:

The ABC Book Challenge (A)

The ABC Book Challenge (B)

The ABC Book Challenge (C)

The ABC Book Challenge (D)

The ABC Book Challenge (E)

The ABC Book Challenge (F)

Memorable books:

Gone girlgirl was an amazing thriller, but I didn’t like the movie so much.

Global garden is a really strange and original manga, but it’s also sweet.

Godchild is a work of Kaori Yuki, less famous then Angel Sanctuary, but with a great plot.

Il Grande Inverno is the second part of A Game Of Thrones. They printed the books all separated, then decided to re printed them with better covers and reunited.

To Be Read Books:

I’m totally in love with the cover of Ghost Talkers, and I can’t wait to read Greenglass House!

Do you know some of these titles?

See you for the next post of the ABC book challenge!


challenge, Senza categoria

A Game of Booksathon TBR

Hello readers! Everything comes to an end, and even (the tv show, we haven’t hope for the last two books) is finished.

Today I’m here to show you my TBR for the A Game Of Booksathon organized by Noura of The Perks of being Noura.

Image created by Noura.

After the drama and the disaster of the 8th season, I chose House Tyrell. They were always my favourite along with the Stark, and I miss Olenna Tyrell so much.


The Readathon will begin as follows:

Round one from June 1st to July 1st.

Round two from July 2nd to August 1st.

Round Three from June until the end of the year (optional)


Image created by Noura


For Round 1 I chose the Noble level (4/7 categories), here’s my tentative TBR:

The Game of Thrones: first book in a series  – Barnabas Tew and the case of the missing scarab by Columbkill Noonan.

House Targaryen: book with a mythical creature or dragons  – Old dark by Michael La Ronn.

House Tyrell: a book with a plant on the cover – Carmer and Grit The Wingsnatchers by Sarah Jean Horwitz.

House Stark: a book that has a family dynamic or siblings  – The lady in coppergate tower or Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or Mom’s perfect boyfriend.

A clash of kings: sequel   –  Her majesty’s necromancer by C.J. Archer or Barnabas Tew and the case of the nine worlds by Columbkill Noonan or The black country by Alex Grecian.

Wildlings: paranormal   – Her majesty’s necromancer or Shadow on the wall by Jonathan Aycliff or Shutter.

For Round 2 I will remain with the Noble level, so 3/5 categories of books.


Image created by Noura


I will read Fantasy, Horror, Middle Grade and Historical fiction books.

And for Round 3, I will try to read A Clash of Kings (in Italian) in the rest of the year. Hope it’s not as disappointing as the Tv show.

And that’s my TBR for this readthon, I’m really excited!

Do you participate in readthon? Tell me in the comments!

challenge, discussion, meme, Senza categoria

Reading challenges check in

Hello readers! Today I will verify with you my progress with the reading challenges I’m participating this year:

Goodreads challenge:



I’m currently 7 books ahead of schedule, yeaah! I think I will upgrade my goal to 120 books this year.

If someone wants to be friend with me on Goodreads, here is my profile.


The A to Z reading challenge is doing well, I completed 20 letters! I promise I will update my page with the challenges with all my reviews so far.


I completed 18 and reviewed 18 books for The Backlist reader challenge. I hope to reach 30 books for the end of the year.

Mount TBR

My goal for the Mount TBR is Mt. Vancouver, with 36 books, and I’m nearly there because I’ve read 29 books for this challenge. I will try to upgrade my climbing to Mt. Ararat (48 books). I really need to read all the old books on my TBR!

And there are all the challenges I’m participating this year. Do you like reading challenges? Are you participating in any of these?

Tell me in the comments!


book tag, meme, Senza categoria

Game of Thrones book tag

I found this tag on Books in the Skye, if you don’t know already this blog, go and check it out!

Have you survived The Battle of Winterfell?



Name a book that you originally loved, but upon a re-read realised that it wasn’t so great after all.


I’ve loved this series when I was younger: it was the first “adult” series about vampires I read. But re-reading it now it’s different: I don’t like the super sexuality in here, but Anita is still a badass character.



Name your most anticipated book release for 2019.


I’m not really into the new release, that’s why I always choose this book.



 Name a book that you felt completely slayed with fantastic characters, plot, pacing, etc.



This super Slytherin cover is perfect for this book, I love everything about it.



Name a book that ended with a cliffhanger ending that genuinely pissed you off.



The lost history of dreams doesn’t finish with a cliffhanger, but the ending was so irritating. You can read my review here.



Name a book, or book series, that’s been on your TBR since the dawn of time.



I’m so intimidated by this big book!!



Name the most graphic or disturbing book that you’ve ever read.



I love so much Dracula, and the first tale in this collection is beautiful…but a couple of others are horrible and so violent I was crying and I had to stop reading it.



Name a book, or book series, that gets better and better with every re-read.


It’s even a tag worth it if there isn’t Harry Potter somewhere?

5 star, meme, Senza categoria, wrap up

Wrap up: April 2019

Hello readers! Welcome to my April 2019 wrap up! I’m back for my hiatus! Thanks for your messages, I really appreciated them.

How was your reading month? In April I read 10 books, 2 were in Italian and 1 was a DNF.

5 stars:


The yard is a fantastic historical fiction/crime book, I’ve loved it so much!

4 stars:


I received the ARC of Dead school, and is a funny book with a twist of dark humor.

3 stars:


Johannes Cabal The Detective is a great series, but I didn’t like this second book like the first one. Tamamo the Fox maiden is a graphic novel on Asian myths, very interesting. The flaw is all magic is a fantasy steampunk with a great female side character. Thornghost has a beautiful cover, but the previous book was better.

2 stars:


Oh Crenshaw, how disappointing were you! And the cover is so beautiful!

Zombie boy press start was a required reading for my A to Z reading challenge! It’s not easy to find books that begins with Z.

And that was my reading month! Have you read a 5 stars book this month?