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Wrap Up: March 2021

Hello readers! March seems always eternal to me, like January XD

In March I managed to read 12 book with 1 DNF.

5 stars:

You can read my fangirling review of Constantine Capers here. I’ve loved it so much.

Even if I’ve read the first volume in Italian, I had to buy the other books in English, since they stopped publishing it in my country. The Sleepwalker tonic is even better than the first volume.

4 stars:

I’ve read My Fair Footman online, I really like the drawing style!

Everyone has read The Prince and the Dressmaker has loved it, and now I understand why!

3 stars:

Widdershins is loved and famous, but I didn’t felt the same love for it. It’s cute sometimes, but it’s also painful.

Miranda and Me is not exactly a book, but there are plenty of photos of dogs, and ducks, and I love dogs ❤

I’ve finally read the Italian version of Shakespeare’s Sonnets! Some of them are beautiful, but some of them are not translated in the best possible way.

The fear hunter is cozy mystery with a little bit of magic and a male love interest that’s like Dwayne The Rock Johnson, just in case you’re interested ;-p

2 stars:

I was super interested in Mama’s last hug, but I liked only the first and the second chapter. A lot of notions and “discoveries” are well known to every pet owner/lover, and I didn’t appreciated the mentions of experiments on the animals.

The sixth victim talks about the murders of Jack The Ripper… The second POV of the book is much more interesting that the one of MC.

1 star/DNF:

Hippo instead of horses or cars? Sounds good, right? Well, no.

Do you want to feel confused and in desperate need of taking notes because the plot is absurdly complicated? Welcome to The Hotel Between!!

And that was my reading month! How was yours?

Tell me in the comments!