best book, wrap up

March 2018 Wrap up

Hello everyone! How was your reading month?

I read a total of 10 books in March, but I DNF an italian one. ç__ç

How beautiful are the covers of this month? What’s your favourite?

I love the colours of How to be happy, but my steampunk heart is all for Nefertiti’s Heart.

If you want to read my review, click on the title of the book.

The last days of night by Graham Moore: my biggest disappointment of the month. So boring.

How to be happy by Eva Woods: a book about life and death, about happiness and sadness. I really like it!

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson: well, I like it but not as much as everyone do. Sorry, I know I’m a weird. But I’m happy to have read it, finally!

Art in the blood by Bonnie MacBird: I love Sherlock Holmes, but I can’t stand boring books, I’m sorry. And this book was sooo boring! But look, a Sherlock GIF in my review!

The chess queen enigma by Colleen Gleason: this is the third book in the Stoker and Holmes series, one of my fave! I love Steampunk so much, and Colleen Gleason has created a beautiful world. Review to come.

Nefertiti’s Heart by A.W. Exley: as I said before, I love steampunk, but I really hate male MC in Christian Grey Style and not required romance/s*x scenes.

There’s a book that catch your attention?


blog award

The Blogger Recognition Award


Hi everyone! I was tagged by the lovely Kelly @AnotherBookInTheWall for this award, so thanks a lot Kelly!!


Please note: this post is written by my ghost, because I’m dead for this GIF.

The Rules:

  1. Generate a post about the award
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  3. Write a brief story about how your blog began
  4. Provide two pieces of advice to newbie bloggers
  5. Select 15 blogs to nominate
  6. Comment on each nominee’s blog and provide a link to the post that you created about the award.

How Fortunately, The Book, began:

Well, it’s pretty simple: I have another blog, my main blog, “La tartaruga si muove” (The turtle moves, from the Discworld series) but it’s in italian, my first language.

But I read a lot of english books, so I decided to open a second blog, this one, for all my english review, and as an help for me to increase my english, and to better spread the love for some of my fave english books.

I know, now I don’t have time to translate my old reviews. I try my best.

I will never expected such traffic or love from the book community. Really, you’re the best!

For the newbie bloggers:

Have courage and be kind!

53de59f7ea5109e0d2653b96d8b960fb This quote from Cinderella is perfect for me. I think you need courage to decide to open a blog, and courage to write your opinion about something. But you need to be kind too. Kind to other bloggers/bookstagrammers, and don’t feel superior to them. Kindness is a great quality.

Don’t feel bad if you don’t like what everyone else like! Read what you like, when you want and re-read if you like it! And use GIF in your reviews, because I love GIFs XD But that’s only my opinion, I’m not an expert! If you write a positive review with your heart, and a great dose of fangirling, the followers/readers/bloggers notice it, and they will appreciate it!


Whitney @WhitReadsLit

Theresa @TheCalicoBooks

Breanna @PawsAndPaperbacks

Brittany @PerfectlyTolerable

Karis @KarisBooks


book quote, book tag

3 Quotes 3 Days – Day 3

I want to thank Kay Wisteria @HammockOfBooks for this tag!


Thank the person who nominated you.

Post a new quote for three consecutive days.

Nominate three new bloggers each day.

I don’t know who write this quote: I found it on Instagram and I like it so much!

If you know the author, please let me know!


“When life gives you lemon: freeze them and throw them as hard as you can at whomever makes your life harder than it already is.”


LaRonda @FlyingPaperbacks

Karis @KarisBooks

Kelly @AnotherBookInTheWall

book quote, book tag

3 Quote 3 Days – Day 2

I want to thank Kay Wisteria @HammockOfBooks for this tag!


Thank the person who nominated you.

Post a new quote for three consecutive days.

Nominate three new bloggers each day.

For day 2, I had choose a very popular quote from one of my fave books, The Hobbit.

It’s a beautiful quote, perfect even for our modern times. But it comes from a very sad scene.

“There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”



Ashley Rae @ThriftyBibliophile

Perpetual Fangirl

Melanie @MelToTheAny


book quote, book tag

3 Quotes 3 days – Day 1

I want to thank Kay Wisteria @HammockOfBooks for this tag!


Thank the person who nominated you.

Post a new quote for three consecutive days.

Nominate three new bloggers each day.


The first quote will be one from Neil Gaiman, my favorite author and the ispiration for my blog title.


“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.

Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.

So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.

Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.

Make your mistakes, next year and forever.”


Susy @SusysCozyWorld

Amber @StepIntoABookWorld

Theresa @TheCalicoBooks

wrap up

February 2018 Wrap Up

Hello everyone!

How was your reading month? There is snow where you live right now? Here in Turin, Italy, we have 5 cm of snow!

Anyway, my birthday month is passed, here’s the english books that I read:

Few are chosen: best english book of the month. A supernatural m/m romance with humour, I absolutely adored it!

Curiouser and Curiouser: biggest disappointment of the month. I read the first 3 chapters last year, and I really like it. But the complete book wasn’t what I expected. You can find my review if you click on the title.

Chasing Christmas past: a novella with a lovely and strong main character. Enjoyable.

Liberty Awakened: this book is full of clichè, but somehow is good and really readable and interesting. I plan to read the second book in the series.

The bride of the blue wind: has a lovely cover, but is a DNF for me.

For March I’m partecipating in the March Take Control of your TBR challenge, and I’m planning to read The Help (sorry, in italian) and The Chess Queen Enigma, the third book in one of my fave series of all the time!