blog award, meme

The Real Neat Blog Award

Hello readers!

I was nominated by Chapter Malliumpkin for this award, a way to highlight blogger that need more attention.

So thank you so much for the nomination! ❤ I truly appreciate it! Please go and check her blog, read her answers and be sure to follow!

The Rules:


Display the Award Logo.

Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.

Answer the questions of the one who nominated you.

Nominate some bloggers.

Ask them seven questions.

Questions by Malliumpkin:

What was the biggest influence for you starting your blog?

This is funny: I decided to open this blog because, when I reviewed English books in Italian, on my Italian blog, all the authors keep saying to me that they (reasonably) doesn’t understand Italian. I was incredibly sad. I naively thought that my work will help to spread the love for these books even in my country, and that they will be happy to know that their work is loved all over the world. Most of my Italian readers don’t read English books, so I decided to try and open an English Blog. I thought it will help me to better write in English too. Now that I have it, I’ve learned that authors don’t like to read reviews, even if they are positive.

What is your favourite season?

Fall/Autumn without a doubt. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to suffer extreme heat or extreme cold. So I usually suffer during summer, thanks to mosquitoes too, and during winter, even if I like winter more than summer. Because there aren’t mosquitoes in winter!

Also, there’s something special when all the leaves turn red and yellow. I love autumn.

If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?

This is easy: Whitby, UK. I will say the UK in general, I spend most of my holidays here, I love the food, the bookshops, the landscapes, but my gothic (and Dracula’s obsessed) heart belongs to Whitby.

Here’s a photo I take this summer. Yes, it was August.

 What are the three items that are most precious to you?

My copy of The ocean at the end of the lane signed by Neil Gaiman; my pendant inspired by The Raven by Poe; the photos of my pets that are no longer with me.

What are your two biggest accomplishments for 2019 that you’re proud of?

I’m proud of how many followers I have gained this year on this blog and I’m proud of my new diploma that I received after finishing one of the online course I follow.

If you could have any mythical creatures as a pet, what would it be and why?

I would say a dragon, because, you know…is a dragon! But I fell in love with the Thunderbird from Fantastic beasts.


What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019?

I just want to live like that, without more drama. It will be fantastic.

My Questions:

What’s the best book you’ve read in 2019 so far?

What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019? (it was a really good question)

If you celebrate/enjoy Christmas, what’s your favourite Christmas song?

What book you wish to receive this Christmas?

If you can change one thing about your blog (graphic, title, etc…) what will be?

What are you relation with social networks like Facebook or Instagram?

Favourite hot beverage to drink during winter?

My nominations:

Eternity Books

Feed the crime

Foxes and Fairy Tales

Mani’s Book Corner

If you don’t like doing tags/awards, feel free to ignore my tag.

And that’s all!

Senza categoria

Fortunately, the first giveaway of the blog!

Hello! How’s everyone doing? The summer is here, I reached 100 followers here on the blog (106 now that I write this post) and the blog has survived the first six months of his life.

Thanks to all of you! I’m so happy for this milestone!

So it’s time for a giveaway!!!!

DWYESAn year ago, I opened an etsy shop with my bookmarks. Now the shop it’s closed, but you can find most of my creation on the Instagram page The Other Bookmark.

This giveaway is international and there will be two winners, selected by a random generator. The winners can choose the bookmark they want to receive.

The rules:

  • You must follow my blog and comment down below with your blog’s name
  • You must comment this post saying you’re partecipating and leave me an email address to contact you
  • By partecipating, you agree to share with me your mail address.
  • Optional: you can follow my Instagram account here and/or The Other Bookmark account (please tell me your username)
  • Optional: tell me what’s your favourite bookmark! If you win, you can change your mind, don’t worry!
  • Please take note: the bookmarks are made with origami paper, but I’m not a professional, so maybe there are little imperfections.
  • Bookmarks will be send with italian shipping post (yes, I know we have a bad reputation) so please have patience!
  • The giveaway run from today, 21th of June 2018, to the 6th of July 2018.
  • I will contact the winners within 24 hours. If they don’t reply, I will contact another winner.
  • The blue and purple flower is no longer available.

Ok, I think that’s all! May the Odds be ever in your favor!

blog award, Senza categoria

The unique Blogger Award

Today I want to thank Ellyn @allonsythornraxx for nominate me!


  • Share the link/s of the blogger/s who has/have shown love to you by nominating you.
  • Answer their questions.
  • In the spirit of spreading the love nominate 8-13 people for the same award.
  • Ask them 3 questions.

Ellyn’s questions:


Oh my, how can I choose? I love a lot of movies, from Men In Black to Shrek, from The Hobbit to The Woman in black!

Probably I’ll choose a funny movie, maybe Madagascar or The Ice Age. I know, I’m 31.


This is easy: Levi/Biff from “Lamb, the gospel according to Biff, Christ’s childhood pal” by Christopher Moore. It’s my fave book, and Biff is one of my fave character ever. And a perfect friend.

I nominate:

The Bookish Fairy

Paws and Paperbacks

Perpetual Fangirl

Matilda’s Library

Whit Reads Lit

My questions:

What tv series would you watch for the rest of your life? (sorry Ellyn, I was inspired by you!)

Do you read fanfiction?

What’s the last song you are obsessed with?


blog award

The Blogger Recognition Award


Hi everyone! I was tagged by the lovely Kelly @AnotherBookInTheWall for this award, so thanks a lot Kelly!!


Please note: this post is written by my ghost, because I’m dead for this GIF.

The Rules:

  1. Generate a post about the award
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  3. Write a brief story about how your blog began
  4. Provide two pieces of advice to newbie bloggers
  5. Select 15 blogs to nominate
  6. Comment on each nominee’s blog and provide a link to the post that you created about the award.

How Fortunately, The Book, began:

Well, it’s pretty simple: I have another blog, my main blog, “La tartaruga si muove” (The turtle moves, from the Discworld series) but it’s in italian, my first language.

But I read a lot of english books, so I decided to open a second blog, this one, for all my english review, and as an help for me to increase my english, and to better spread the love for some of my fave english books.

I know, now I don’t have time to translate my old reviews. I try my best.

I will never expected such traffic or love from the book community. Really, you’re the best!

For the newbie bloggers:

Have courage and be kind!

53de59f7ea5109e0d2653b96d8b960fb This quote from Cinderella is perfect for me. I think you need courage to decide to open a blog, and courage to write your opinion about something. But you need to be kind too. Kind to other bloggers/bookstagrammers, and don’t feel superior to them. Kindness is a great quality.

Don’t feel bad if you don’t like what everyone else like! Read what you like, when you want and re-read if you like it! And use GIF in your reviews, because I love GIFs XD But that’s only my opinion, I’m not an expert! If you write a positive review with your heart, and a great dose of fangirling, the followers/readers/bloggers notice it, and they will appreciate it!


Whitney @WhitReadsLit

Theresa @TheCalicoBooks

Breanna @PawsAndPaperbacks

Brittany @PerfectlyTolerable

Karis @KarisBooks


blog award

One Lovely Blog Award


I was tagged by LaRonda @Flying Paperbacks and I just want to say thank you, because this really means a lot to me.

The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers and inform them of the nomination.

Now, the fact:

1) I really love food. I love to cook, I always try different recipes, and different dishes from all over the world. I watch a lot of Tv shows about food, like Man Vs. Food or Masterchef. Obviously I like to eat too!

2) I love animals, except snakes. Sorry, I’m afraid of snakes! Currently I have two pet rats, Mr. Jingle (Do you know where this name came from?) and Rexi, and a budgie, Coco.

3) I’m obsessed with a precisely period of time between 1886 and 1912, so I read books and watch tv series set in those years.

4) When I was little, my dream job was Paleontologist. But I don’t like desert. I still love dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are the best.

5) I travel a lot during summer, and my dream destination is everywhere I can watch the Northern Lights. And I want to do whale watching too.

6) I have several disease, neither one curable, so my life is pretty difficult, even if it doesn’t seem if you watch me from across the street, for example. I try my best every single day.

7) Michael Bublè and Josh Groban are my favourite singer.


Susy @susyscozyworld

Marta @TheCursedBooks

Marianna @MariannasCorner

You don’t have to do this tag!