blog award, meme

The Real Neat Blog Award

Hello readers!

I was nominated by Chapter Malliumpkin for this award, a way to highlight blogger that need more attention.

So thank you so much for the nomination! ❤ I truly appreciate it! Please go and check her blog, read her answers and be sure to follow!

The Rules:


Display the Award Logo.

Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog.

Answer the questions of the one who nominated you.

Nominate some bloggers.

Ask them seven questions.

Questions by Malliumpkin:

What was the biggest influence for you starting your blog?

This is funny: I decided to open this blog because, when I reviewed English books in Italian, on my Italian blog, all the authors keep saying to me that they (reasonably) doesn’t understand Italian. I was incredibly sad. I naively thought that my work will help to spread the love for these books even in my country, and that they will be happy to know that their work is loved all over the world. Most of my Italian readers don’t read English books, so I decided to try and open an English Blog. I thought it will help me to better write in English too. Now that I have it, I’ve learned that authors don’t like to read reviews, even if they are positive.

What is your favourite season?

Fall/Autumn without a doubt. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to suffer extreme heat or extreme cold. So I usually suffer during summer, thanks to mosquitoes too, and during winter, even if I like winter more than summer. Because there aren’t mosquitoes in winter!

Also, there’s something special when all the leaves turn red and yellow. I love autumn.

If you could only live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?

This is easy: Whitby, UK. I will say the UK in general, I spend most of my holidays here, I love the food, the bookshops, the landscapes, but my gothic (and Dracula’s obsessed) heart belongs to Whitby.

Here’s a photo I take this summer. Yes, it was August.

 What are the three items that are most precious to you?

My copy of The ocean at the end of the lane signed by Neil Gaiman; my pendant inspired by The Raven by Poe; the photos of my pets that are no longer with me.

What are your two biggest accomplishments for 2019 that you’re proud of?

I’m proud of how many followers I have gained this year on this blog and I’m proud of my new diploma that I received after finishing one of the online course I follow.

If you could have any mythical creatures as a pet, what would it be and why?

I would say a dragon, because, you know…is a dragon! But I fell in love with the Thunderbird from Fantastic beasts.


What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019?

I just want to live like that, without more drama. It will be fantastic.

My Questions:

What’s the best book you’ve read in 2019 so far?

What is one thing you wish to accomplish before the end of 2019? (it was a really good question)

If you celebrate/enjoy Christmas, what’s your favourite Christmas song?

What book you wish to receive this Christmas?

If you can change one thing about your blog (graphic, title, etc…) what will be?

What are you relation with social networks like Facebook or Instagram?

Favourite hot beverage to drink during winter?

My nominations:

Eternity Books

Feed the crime

Foxes and Fairy Tales

Mani’s Book Corner

If you don’t like doing tags/awards, feel free to ignore my tag.

And that’s all!

14 thoughts on “The Real Neat Blog Award”

  1. You used to blog in Italian TOO!’ 😱😍😍😍 I LOVE THAT! Ahhhhh!! 😍😍😍😍🌟🌟

    And YES FOR FALLLLL!! I FUCKING LOVE AUTUMN SEASON SOO MUCHH!! 😍😍😍❤️❤️ Such cosy vibes! 🌟💕 But hey nothing can beat my devotion to winters! 🤣😍😍

    I LOVE GOTHIC NOVELS TOO! GOTHIC GOTHIC EVERYTHING GOTHIC! 😍😍😍😍😍 Behind all these colourful emojis is a dark, mysterious heart!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    AND YESS TO DRAGONSSS!! The first dragon I ever read about was Smaug in The Hobbit and since then I have been OBSESSING over them! 😍😍😍😍🐉🐉


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